How to make 8 Figures selling lies to poor children

Step One. Lie.

Develop a Universal Prop & Add False Values with more and more Verbal Prompts needed to buy and sell the idea to the general republic.

Maybe governments missions and vison have misrepresented democracy to poor children all while contacting and constantly conducting business on their behalf and well being is problematic, allowing them to tolerate death easier and to accept the free will of public service officials plans for the mass extermination of indigenous people across the globe.

Photo by Parker Johnson on Unsplash

The average male today cannot feel nor put a price tag on the type of pain and suffering experienced by Black Mothers among other daily arrangements having additional environmental stress and increased exposure to mental health issues due to her inability to protect and to serve her children like other mothers.

How much does being nice to an enemy cost US daily?

Step Two. Play Dumb or Use less Emotional Intelligence.

A Black child First Teacher is a Black Mother. A mother is an emotional caretaker and provider of life, love, knowledge, and wisdom to her children, as a priceless effect, till death do U.S part.

Photo by munshots on Unsplash



The danger of living by rigid, Group Theory without Transformative Thinking.

Highlights Tomorrows Hope for Black Children

October 2022

Answering Poor Children: healthy outlooks on life with stand out style

To the Girl on the Purple bike outside of Apt. 1306

I know Smart Black Girls & Smart Black Women, Today was another bad day living in the trenches of America. Gurl, Are they tired of playing God? If you could see the look on my face right now. Just wakin up in the morning, gotta thank Odd. To tell you the truth, I don’t know who to trust living in this mess.

Before I forget. To answer the look on yo’ face when I said to keep up the good work while nobody is watching. I was passing on a good word to help you keep yo’ head up and trust me your beauty will glow! Remember I asked, Who was the smartest in the group? You answered for all y’all, stating, “I am.” Everyone definitely agreed …(not the crew on mute). Then I asked, who are the Math girls. I remember two of your gurls chiming in and spittin Math facts with those beautiful smiles. I am sorry that Beauty Standards have changed these days for young, stunning, exquisite, breathtaking and talented girls like yourself.

I know living in the hood today is harder than ever before. You and your friends deserve more in 2022, especially feeling emotionally unprotected as young women without any relief from the constant financial stress of not having a healthy father around with the strength to build you a healthier home. I want you to be safe, be good, do good in school like I said, but I am warning you that The Omnipotence Virus is spreading fast from person to person.

Stick to the Plan. Listen to your life with the sole purpose of being in love with your self and listening to your first thought. The good times are about nourishment. We’re feeding each other love, learning from each others company, saturated in the love. Play Whitney Houston, “Greatest love of All” type it in on You Tube. My favorite song when I was your age. Still is. Its about evolving your beauty as is given, she believed beauty was timeless continuous effort and proved it sharing her talent and giving us a wealth of information to learn from. Listen to the words of a timeless giant for clues to success. The secret to finding self love is to use mindfulness and your beauty will be multiplied over time from the inside out! This is to protect you, yourself and your supernatural power to mold and make changes to your life as well as impact change in your community.

I want you to maintain your inner strength daily in order to grow your natural beauty in its original form. Listen to the cues from the environment to feed you, but use the absolute right thinking about yo’ self. You were already made beautiful and wise, so wherever you go—is a no brainer, while this is a given—you cannot use this like an American prop or plug in-which can be easily replaced and just smells good temporarily.

Do keep processing truth by yo’ self and for yo’ self instead of having to rely on the external standards of beauty. We’ve been compatible for long enough on the standards of beauty the government purchased for a large price a long time ago. Nevertheless, its time to come to grips with the facts of life and put together a group of like minded mothers with higher moral consciousness and knowledge above the kingdom based on winning the games of life solely by the comprehension of Latin base units. Some modern men and women today are having major difficulty processing the truth of a lie to children and they unable to stop spreading lies about you getting out of poverty any time soon.

P.S. I have no money to put on your books, today but I need you to stand up for your rights with all the girls you meet as a living example. Be Bold. Be Beautiful. Be Black Beauty, Spread the word, that help is on the way. I am working on your behalf to create change. I had to change myself first to see this vision so you gotta be tough too. Be a leader, teach yo’ girls how to stand up for access to two loving, healthy parents, everyday.


Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Children’s Lives Matter

America’s Diffusion of Responsibility

There is no economic or political accountability for the adverse, effect of transferring unhealthy learning by a false narrative and prop validated with false examples of humanity like the common historical front of emotion or lack of care for Black women and Black men of all ages.

This sentiment expands beyond the imagination or normal reality of another human subgroup who inherited the same relative family group values and therefore bounces off the wall of reality given the shape/symmetry of any room is reflected in the gross distribution of humanity.

A new paradigm for education and meta-physics by diffusion of responsibility

Deficit Thinking is a rigid structural group theory, with Asymmetric national symmetry, described by the bad habit of not addressing race issues uncorrected government contractors’, modelled by meta-diffusion of public responsibility, of average public service officers given title and claiming to represent the best interest of People of Color with the exact opposite values and motivations for performing public service to others.

Dynamic Thinking is a flexible, structural group theory, with a wide variety of educational notions, modelled on the diffusion of responsibility factor with global to local comprehension of fairness in range of poor children and adults safety, health, and wellbeing.

Photo by Sean Lee on Unsplash



Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash